I’m Back and Better Than Ever!

Hello Everyone! Well, I took a long hiatus from the blog posting. I do apologize because I have definitely missed posting! But, now that I am back you will be getting a few posts a week. I will be sharing a little bit of everything on my page. So, I hope that you all will continue to check in and see what is new. I will be posting reviews on products, restaurants, events I attend in the Pittsburgh area, and so much more! My first post will be more personal. I am going to let you know why exactly I fell out of posting on my blog. Why do this? Because we are all human and we all hit ruts just like I did. I am a very open person and I know that we all go through times that are not our greatest. I want you all to be able to see that sometimes it is okay to not be okay! I look forward to sharing more with you all. So, stay tuned for the next post really soon! Thank you for being you and for being here on my page. I appreciate each and everyone of you all!


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