Hello all! I am writing this post especially today because this is the 5 year anniversary of my mom passing away. Today as been a tough day mentally. I kept myself very busy to keep my mind off of the events of my mom passing away. I did go to the cemetery today to visit my mom and spent a little bit of time with her.

My mom was such an amazing woman, she was always there for me. She and I often butted heads but it was only because we cared so much about herself. She was my best friend, we shared so many fun times together. I lived with my parents after college so there were quite a few nights of popping open a bottle of Moscato and talking my mom about anything and everything.

My mom passed away suddenly and it wasn’t something that we saw coming at all. I won’t get into the story because it is a lot for me to process each time that I tell it or even type it out. My mom was a very loved person and she had many people there at the viewings and funeral and there for us.

I can tell you that if anyone is experiencing the loss of a parent, please know that I am always here to talk to you. You can leave a comment or even reach out to my on my blog email which is: Dailycupofkim@gmail.com.

The one thing that I learned as time has passed is that it really doesn’t get easier but, you learn ways to cope with it better. Sending you all love and hope that you have a great rest of the weekend.