I was looking back at my post from the previous years and I know that back in 2021 I did a tribute to my mom post. But,I am approaching another year of her being gone and I wanted to make another post.

For those of you who do not know, I lost my mom on February 27, 2016. Joyce was an absolute amazing person and a true blessing to my life. I am not just saying that because she was my mom. She truly was and still is the person that helps me to be the best version of myself. This loss was an unexpected one for my family and it was extremely hard to deal with. The last thing that I thought at 29 years old was that I would lose my mom. I honestly do not know which is better, knowing someone is sick and leaving you or them going unexpectedly. I know they are both really hard to deal with for their own reason.
We are constantly losing people in our lives. As I am typing this I am dealing with the loss of a friend I have known since high school who was only 34. He will forever be missed my many people including myself. This will be just another reason why I hate this month so much.

I mention the above because after hearing this news I instantly said a prayer and then I also talked to my mom. Even though she is no longer on earth with me, she is always in my heart. I am constantly talking to her about life and all that is going on like I did when she was here. I asked her to please be there for my friend and to let him know that I will always be thinking about him.
If you had the chance to know my mom, you knew that she would do anything for those she loved. She was always lending an ear to listen, a hand to hold yours, a shoulder to cry on, and a hug to comfort you. I feel that she has really instilled that in me because I will be the same for all those in my life.
So I don’t want to drag this post out but as I am approaching the anniversary on Monday, I just want to thank my mom. Thank you for always being there for me and guiding me down the right paths. Thank you for showing me what an amazing woman with a heart of gold is and that I need to be that in my life. Thank you for helping me to see how you should treat people all the time and how to be there for anyone in need. Most importantly thank you for being my mom. I love you with all of my heart and I am always thinking about you day and night. And yes mom, I made this post purple for you because I know that it was your favorite color.