A few months ago, I decided that I wanted to take a step in the right direction as far as my health goes! I was someone who never really took vitamins. I have seen many Bloggers and Influencer’s always talking about and recommending Care/of.
I went on to the website and I took the quiz to see what Vitamins that they would recommend me to take. I was able to tell them what areas I felt like I needed help with like sleep, stress, and that I don’t eat any seafood. I was given 6 different vitamins. Here are the ones that they recommended for my:

I have been taking these vitamins for 3 months now and I can tell that my mood has changes and I have been sleeping better. I know that the price tag can make you second guess using this monthly subscription. The way that I look at it is that if you were to buy a bottle of each of these vitamins that are recommended you would be spending very close to the amount that you would spend on the subscription.

I am going to leave my reference code here and I would suggest that you at least go take the quiz and see what they recommend and go from there!