Lets Check In

As April is starting to wind down and soon it’s going to be May (just started singing Nsync in me head). How has your Spring been treating you? I personally feel as though things are starting to feel a little bit more normal over here. I think that I am getting my self back into my old routine but with some new Pandemic modifications. The weather is starting to warm up and hopefully Pittsburgh is done with the random burst of freezing cold weather and snow flakes.

I feel that my allergies are in full gear and my township is insane with the polled count right now. My front porch is completely covered in a thick dust of yellow. Thank goodness for Claritin everyone, I stand by it for my allergy issues.

Spring cleaning has been commenced awhile ago but I am not in full swing at this point. I mentally have a full list, but realistically it will be awhile before everything is done. My first major cleaning project is going to be my food pantry. I have been making the preparations for the project. By that I mean I have bought a whole bunch of containers and baskets to transfer my food items into. I think this will give it such a neat and organized look to shelves and the pantry as a whole.

Another major Spring project is working on my front porch and also the front flower bed. I will have to take care of all the pollen that has collected like I mentioned above. I am putting together the decorating ideas for the layout of the porch because when the weather is warm I do like to be out there. Since it is a covered porch I like to be out there to relax when the weather is dry or rainy. I love to entertain and have porch drinking nights to just host and catch up with some of my friends throughout the Spring and Summer weekends.

As far as the flower bed, I have gotten the first round of weeding finished. With the help of my dad and his girlfriend, I learned how to cut back the Mums and getting rid of the old dead parts. I will have to do another round of weeding because they are bad and always come back. I cant wait to get the flowers in and have the colors and brightness back into my yard.

Well, it is now time to head to work so this brings our catching up to an end. I hope that you all have an amazing day and remember as always to stay positive. If you have ideas of what you would like me to cover more on the blog please leave a comment.

Sending Love,


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