Wow! I seriously cant believe that we are already in December, and the last month of 2021. I have to admit I have not been in the jolliest of moods lately and I am hoping that will turn around. I don’t think that I am the only one that is ready to bring on 2022 and see what it has in store for us.
But, I am going to really try to be positive and to make the most of December. The Friday after Thanksgiving I started to get the Christmas trees out and set up before I headed to work. Then the youngest that I nanny for came back to my house and we decorated them. The one in the office is a Steelers themed one and it has all of the Steelers ornaments along with the black and gold ones. I started to put that tree up in memory of my mom after she passed away because she was always in that room and made it a Steelers themed office.

The other tree that we decorated was the one in my addition sitting room. This one has all of the ornaments that my mom used to put on the tree. Some of them are even from my gram and paps tree when they were alive.

Rebecca also helped me to put up the tiny tree that is going to be in the living room this year. Normally there is a really big tree in this room with handmade Ukrainian bulbs on it. But, I am going to have the puppy of the family that I nanny for staying with me for a week. That is not a tree that you would want a puppy to snatch an ornament off. So, I have changed things around this year and that big tree is going to be in my room. The tree that is normally in my room is going to be on my front porch since it is covered and can be protected.
I have already started watching all my favorite Christmas Movies. I have watched all of the The Santa Clause movies! I am getting ready to watch Elf this week as well.
This year I will also be hosting my Ugly Sweater get together because I took a break from it the last year because of the pandemic. I am looking forward to throwing this get together because I really do love to plan for these things!
Along with that, I will also be hosting Christmas as well. This will be the first time that we will be all getting to sit down at the table for Christmas since the start of the pandemic.
Some other fun taking place this December will be ornament making, cooking baking, and gingerbread house building!
I hope that you all are having a great start to the month! Let’s remember that this has been a tough week so it might be a little harder for some to be in the Holiday spirit. But, let us also remember that its a great time to pay it forward with acts of kindness and service.
One thing that I like to do is show appreciation to those who are working hard to deliver all the things I order. So, I will leave out snacks and drinks. I truly appreciate all of their hard work to help us all have great holidays.

Stay tuned for a bunch of holiday and winter themed post to come your way this December. For now I hope that you have a great Wednesday and remember we are getting closer to the weekend!