Do you Celebrate Thanksgiving?

We are less than a week away from Thanksgiving Day and this really had me thinking. I know that I see a lot of people that after Halloween go right to Christmas. I am not saying that is bad because everyone has their own life. I know that it is so much fun decorating for Christmas and some people just love having that extra time with their trees up and doing all things Christmas.

When I was a kid, my mom was always very strict about how there is no decorating until after Thanksgiving in our household. I did not understand why she was so set on this because as a kid I was so ready for Christmas. Thanksgiving was nothing really of any importance to me as a kid.

Now I look back and I have kept with my mom’s tradition of no decorating for Christmas until after Thanksgiving dinner. I honestly am a huge fan of the Fall and I love to keep all of my Fall decorations up until after Thanksgiving. Now the last 5 years I have been known to start putting together the main Christmas tree after Thanksgiving dinner before bed.

I have learned that we have so much to be thankful for and though we should think about it often, November is a great month to be really reflecting on it. I love that we are all able to get together and sit down and have a meal together and just be thankful for all that we have.

What are you Thanksgiving traditions? As a child we would always wake up and have breakfast while watching the very infamous Macy’s Thanksgiving parade. My mom and my aunt would alternate holidays each year. So, whenever my mom would have Thanksgiving there would be a wide aroma of smells of the food while it was being cooked.

Now my Aunt has been having Thanksgiving and I have been doing Christmas in the years since my mom passed away. So, I will still wake up and watch the parade but normally from the comforts of my bed. Then we will all head over to my Aunt Nancy’s house for dinner. I am especially thankful this year because this will be the first year that both my boyfriend and his son will be joining my side of the family for dinner. I am also going to be starting a new tradition of going with him and his son to his family’s Thanksgiving later that day as well.

I am going to focusing on the theme of Thanksgiving in the next few blog posts. I am going to be posting about some fun crafts that the kiddos can do in the days leading up to Thanksgiving. I hope that you all have an amazing Friday! I know that where I live its going to be a cold weekend so, I hope that you all stay warm and have fun!

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