25 Random Things About Me

Hello everyone! We have made it to Friday thank goodness, I hope that you all have survived your work week. I wanted to change it up a little bit with today’s blog post. I am here in the library for the second day in a row because I really want to focus on my blog. I have only been doing this for a little bit over a year and I am still trying to figure the whole process out.

So, to switch things up here I am going to give you a look into my life in a different way. I am going to share with you 25 random facts about me. I am not going to hold back so you are going to learn some embarrassing things! Alright here we go, lets get into the facts.

  1. I am obsessed with organizing, if you are close to me you know this already. I may let spaces get messy at first but the organizing process can get rather intense. Target and the Dollar Store have my heart with all of their different storage containers to incorporate anywhere I can in the house.
  2. I am a reality TV/ true crime show addict. My Aunt Sis was the one who got me really into watching the ID channel. If there is a crime documentary on a subscription channel I have either watched it or it is on my list! Don’t get me started on reality TV, whatever the show is I am probably watching.
  3. I am a procrastinator. Once I get started then I am good and can be very productive. The whole getting started thing can be tough though for me.
  4. It took my 4 attempts to pass my drivers license test. I was not great at parallel parking and that was the cause of me failing 2 of the times. The 3rd attempt I was able to get the parallel parking down but, I didn’t look over my shoulder enough when switching lanes. I was about to never drive but was convinced to try one more time and was lucky enough to pass.
  5. I am a lover of all dogs. If I see you and your dog there is a high chance that I will acknowledge the dog first. I have always been a major lover of dogs ever since I was little. It took a lot of begging from my brother and I to finally get Penny. I am obsessed with having Yorkshire Terriers.
  6. I am always late. I definitely picked up this horrible trait from my mom. I can try my hardest but there is about a 75% chances that I am going to be late. The only job that I ever got fired from was when I was in my 20’s and it was from too much tardiness. If we have plans you should probably lie and tell me the time earlier than we should meet and maybe I will be on time.
  7. I have never broken a bone. I feel like I should be knocking on this table right now. I don’t know how I escaped this especially as a child since I was accident prone. I have done other things like split my chin open, split my lip open, slammed my finger in the car door, and dislocated my pinkie finger 2 times.
  8. I am very into social media. This is probably a little more obvious since I have blog. I love to keep up on my Instagram for everyone. Facebook is more personal for me but I do have a page for my blog. I randomly got into Tik Tok and now I can’t stop watching and making videos. My name is Dailycupofkim on both IG and Tik Tok if you want to find me.
  9. I was a Beanie Baby collector as a kid. I would never play with them because I thought that they would be worth millions. I was wrong and they sat in a bin under my bed until I was in my 30’s. I tried to sell them for a good chunk of change and ended up selling the whole bin for $100 to someone who was putting them into care packages for children for the holiday.
  10. My least favorite subject ever in school was anything History. I would always find myself zoning out in these classes. This is way to this day I am learning historic events and facts from the kids that I nanny for. I had an 8 am history class my freshman year of college and that was torture. I ended up deciding only to go on test days and hoping I could pass just from reading the text. Can you guess how that turned out? If you said I failed then your correct!
  11. I can’t stand seafood. When I was younger there were a couple times that I was forced to try fish and it was a no go for me. One of my memories was when I was staying at my friends house when my mom was in the hospital getting shoulder surgery. They had fish for dinner and I was too scared to say I didn’t eat it, so I poured so much ketchup on it and choked it down. I can’t even handle the smell of seafood and always ended up having to go with my family to the all you can eat seafood buffets. Yes they had other food but the smell was too much for me.
  12. I love playing basketball. I played on a team until after my freshman year of high school. It was actually my pinkie finger dislocations that took me out of playing. I was told if I dislocated my finger again they would just have to do a surgery on it and I would never be able to fully bend it again so I just stopped. When I was in college I played on some intramural sports teams. To this day I love to shoot hoops with anyone that wants to.
  13. Family is very important to me. I have always been close to my family. Yes when I was a kid I was really bad and they didn’t really want to be around me. When I was in high school my behavior changed and hanging around them was really enjoyable. Now that I am an adult, I want to always be there for my family however I can. I always have a great time catching up and hanging out with them.
  14. When I was younger I was one of those kids who fake called 911. The previous fact made me just think about this. I called them one time and hung up thinking it would be nothing. They called right back and my mom answered and she had no idea I did it. They told her if they got another call they would have to send someone out to check things out. Oh man was I grounded for that one.
  15. I normally sneeze twice at a time. Everyone around me knows that when I have one sneeze that they should just wait for the second to follow.
  16. I love to read. When I was a kid I absolutely hated reading but that has definitely changed since I have become older. My mom would have to force me to read for school, it was often a screaming match between the two of us. Only thing that would get me to read as a child was filling up the form to get a free personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut.
  17. I am a night owl. I can stay up for hours at night doing the most random things. Sometimes its even cleaning the house. Waking up in the morning can be the hardest for me at times.
  18. I am crafty. I love to make tulle wreaths for all the seasons and holidays. I have made them as gifts and even sold some. I also love to do crafts with the kids I nanny for. If you need help with a project then I am your girl!
  19. I love to go couponing. I got into couponing probably close to 10 years ago. I used to get coupons and belonged to a group that would show all the deals at Giant Eagle. When I was in my early 20’s I would go and get $200 in groceries for $75. I have fallen out of doing it on a regular basis, but I still love a good deal!
  20. I love to party plan. There is just something about planning a party and throwing it that is exciting to me. I get so happy to go into my Pinterest boards and look into how I want to decorate my next party. I have done, Bridal showers, Baby showers, birthdays, Retirement party, Bachelorette parties, Halloween, 4th of July, and Ugly Sweater parties.
  21. I need to make daily to do list. If I don’t have a to do list planned out for the day then I feel lost. I love having written down all that I hope to accomplish from the day. It is even more exciting to cross everything off and see how much I got done. My to do list can sometimes have their own to do list!
  22. I have a major fear of clowns. Ever since I was young I could not be around clowns. When I reached 6 grade it got worse after being at a sleepover at my best friends house and watching IT. I love going to haunted houses but the moment that there is a clown I will freeze up or start to freak out.
  23. My degree is in Business Management and Marketing. I did graduate from Slippery Rock University with a major and a minor. I am just as surprised as my family that I was able to accomplish this in 4 years as well.
  24. I have been a nanny for over a decade. It all started out when I was babysitting for the family I currently work for a couple days a week. When my friend from high school who was their nanny at the time got into graduate school she was unable to work full time. I was at a time when I needed a full time job and was able to transition into the full time nanny. Here we are today still going strong.
  25. I have a shoe problem. The one item of clothing that I have way to many of is shoes. I am in the process of getting some of them put on Poshmark because they just sit there. I am proud to say its been awhile since I have bought a pair of shoes. However, I don’t know how long that will last for!

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